Inspiring children to grow in faith through prayer. 

Grab a copy for your kids. Available in paperback and ebook.

Whispers to heaven

This book highlights the gentle and innocent nature of children's prayers, emphasizing the idea that their prayers (whispers) are heard by heaven and encouraging them to pray throughout the day.

bedtime conversations

This book focuses on bedtime prayers, encouraging children to end their day with a meaningful conversation with God. It contains 31 prayers for each day of the month.

tiny prayers, mighty faith

This book emphasizes the power of prayer in nurturing a child's faith, and it encourages children to engage in meaningful conversations with God through prayer. Each short prayer is designed to help children develop a strong prayer life and understand the importance of gratitude, forgiveness, courage, friendship, love, obedience, guidance, wisdom, attentiveness, respect, humility, generosity, prayer life and many more.

365 Days of Praise, Thanksgiving & Assurance of God’s Promises

A devotional journal with Hebrew & Greek Keyword Study. The eBook, paperback, and hardcover of Volume 1, 2, 3 & 4 are available. Grab a copy for yourself and a friend.

 Motivation for Writing

In the year 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the entire world. The global pandemic brought things to a standstill. Countries underwent lockdown, and fear crippled many for an anticipated second wave and the hope for vaccines. The bible talks about events such as this and many more as this age ends. I like what my pastor used to say, “the pandemic has come to stay, and we must learn to live with it. The world will not be the same again anymore.” That left me thinking, ‘how do I position myself to live with this?’, ‘what attitude should I have during this pandemic and beyond?’ In late October 2020, during the preparation of Elevators ministry towards its 1-year All Nations Prayers and Fasting in 2021, the Lord impressed on my heart to be intentional in thanksgiving throughout the year; a verse of thanksgiving for each day. I discussed with the president of the ministry, Prophet David A. G Eagle, who gave his consent. That led me to search for books on 365 Days of thanksgiving and was inspired by God to put this together.

In the midst of all uncertainties, we ought to praise the Lord and be assured of His unfailing promises, knowing that God’s hand is at work to fulfill all His purposes concerning the earth. All the promises of God are complete in Christ Jesus.

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Paperback / Hardcover

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